I've been really busy, though. Even for the Make-It-Mondays I wanted to participate in. I just can't. My mind is somewhere else.
For example, I have a few ATC's to make yet, and two entire websites/networks to design and develop within the next weeks. I haven't even started. One of the networks is my own, which has been on hiatus since around August 2008. The other network is my friend Kan Gao's new game studio's official website: Freebird Games. That one is a gift I promised to him. And I've been meaning to do it for like over a year now. I feel bad about that. I really want to do this, though.
... And add to that, the work I've been doing on SilverQuest lately. I have to finish the new town, with all the quests, NPC's, items and other features that come with it, before mid-April. The goal was April 4th, but I won't make it. Too much work to be done at the university. That's the most important work I got right now, actually. Three exams and a presentation this week. Talk about crazy for me!
Either way, expect me to update more once I'm done with the mess. :) And sorry for ranting. I sometimes do that, yeah. :P
On positive news! I may be attending to a Scrapbooking class today! It's just one session, for beginners. Materials included. I'm excited about it! I always wanted to learn scrapbooking, but due to not having money for materials, and to the time I dedicate to my countless hobbies and interests, I can't keep my attention fixed on one single thing for too long. I have to split my time and attention between one thing and the other, all the time. That's my big problem. But I'll still try! You see, I have someone to scrapbook and crochet with now: my stepmother. And when I have someone with whom to share these experiences, it's more fun, and it draws my attention a lot more.
By the way, I have a follower! I was really surprised when I saw comments and a new follower here. I never thought I'd get any, to be honest. Sometimes I write these posts, thinking that nobody ever reads them. My blogs rarely get comments, so I got used to that. But I love comments, and I love to know that there are other people out there, following me. Thank you!
Well, time to get ready for the day! See you next time. :)
And happy crafting!